Bedford Uber Accident Lawyer

Were you injured in an Uber accident in Bedford, TX? The experienced Bedford Uber accident lawyers at Parker Law Firm Injury Lawyers are here to help you recover compensation for your injuries. Contact us at (817)-503-9200 to schedule a free consultation and learn more about your rights.

You may deserve compensation, but the insurance claims process in Uber accident cases can be messy. Over the years, our lawyers have proven our ability to win–by recovering over $75 million in settlements and verdicts for accident victims like you. We bring over 37 years of experience to the table in every case we take on.

How Can Parker Law Firm Injury Lawyers Help After an Uber Accident in Bedford, TX?

How Can Parker Law Firm Injury Lawyers Help After an Uber Accident in Bedford, TX?

Uber passengers should trust that they’ll make it to their destinations safely. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Some studies have even found that rideshare vehicles have made the roads more dangerous for everyone.

When you’re hurt, the idea of a complex legal battle can be overwhelming. That doesn’t mean you have to back down. With an experienced Bedford personal injury attorney in your corner, you won’t have to worry about the legal issues while you recover.

When you trust Parker Law Firm Injury Lawyers to handle your case, we will:

  • Conduct an investigation and locate evidence to prove your case
  • Identify all responsible parties and legal causes of action
  • Identify all sources of insurance
  • Evaluate the extent of your injuries and the value of your damages
  • File your claim and handle all paperwork and insurance communications
  • Negotiate with the insurance companies for a full settlement
  • Take your case to trial if necessary

You deserve to have an experienced Bedford personal injury lawyer who will take your case seriously. You can count on us. For more information, contact our legal team for a free case review today.

Why Do Uber Accidents Happen in Bedford, Texas?

The most common causes of rideshare accidents tend to mirror those in typical auto accident cases. Uber drivers don’t have any specialized training. They aren’t professional drivers, even though they tend to spend more time behind the wheel.

That said, Uber drivers often use the app to earn extra cash. They may be distracted, tired, and in a hurry.

Some causes of Uber accidents include:

Our Bedford Uber accident attorneys are here to help you determine the cause of your crash. Contact Parker Law Firm Injury Lawyers to learn more about your legal options today.

What Is My Bedford Uber Accident Case Worth?

All personal injury cases are different. As our lawyers calculate your case value, we’ll review the unique facts of your claim.

The most important issues tend to be:

  • How severe were your injuries?
  • How much insurance coverage is available?
  • How much income did you lose during recovery?
  • Will you be able to return to work and earn the same amount after recovery?
  • How much have you spent on medical treatment?
  • Will you require ongoing care or rehabilitation?
  • Did the injury change your lifestyle or damage your quality of life?

In serious injury cases, expert witness testimony can often be used to establish the value of your non-financial losses. We may also bring in experts to testify about your expected future expenses.

How Can Uber’s Insurance Impact My Case Value?

Uber’s insurance setup can complicate matters in a rideshare accident case.

The at-fault driver in car accidents in Bedford can be held liable for the victim’s damages. Most of the time, that means the victim files a claim with the driver’s insurance company

Rideshare accident cases can work differently, as Uber is required to purchase commercial insurance coverage to compensate victims.

In the end, the insurance coverage that’s available will depend on the at-fault Uber driver’s status at the time of the crash.

Driver Is Logged Out of the Uber App

When an Uber driver is offline, Uber’s insurance isn’t involved. Their own personal insurance coverage will apply, and the crash is treated like any other motor vehicle accident.

Driver Is Available To Accept Ride Requests

Once a driver is logged into the Uber app and available to accept passenger requests, Uber’s policy becomes available.

The following coverage is available when the driver is waiting for ride requests:

  • $50,000 in bodily injury coverage per accident victim
  • $100,000 in bodily injury coverage per accident
  • $25,000 in property damage coverage per accident

This is the minimum amount of coverage. However, it’s third-party liability coverage that only becomes available once you’ve exhausted all of your other insurance options.

Driver Has Accepted a Passenger Ride Request

A larger insurance policy becomes available once the Uber driver accepts a ride request.

That insurance provides:

  • Up to $1 million in third-party liability coverage
  • Contingent collision coverage
  • Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage

This coverage applies once the Uber driver has accepted a ride request and for the entire duration of the trip. It applies in both cases involving passenger rides and deliveries.

Can I Sue Uber for Additional Damages After a Crash?

Even if your damages exceed the amount of available coverage, you probably can’t sue Uber for damages. 

Uber and Lyft drivers are independent contractors. While Uber would be liable for the negligent acts of employees, rideshare companies aren’t liable for the negligent acts of independent contractors.

What if a Third-Party Caused the Accident?

Uber drivers aren’t always responsible for accidents. If a third party breached their duty of care and was responsible for the crash, you can pursue compensation from that party.

Other at-fault parties may include:

  • Negligent third-party motorists
  • Manufacturers of defective vehicles or safety equipment
  • Government agencies responsible for road maintenance
  • Trucking companies
  • Employers of negligent drivers who were working when the accident happened

Regardless of the circumstances, you can count on our car accident lawyers in Bedford to identify all parties who played a role in your crash. That way, you’re much more likely to recover full compensation for your injuries.

What Types of Damages Are Available to Uber Accident Victims in Texas?

In Illinois, there are two primary types of compensatory damages: economic damages and non-economic damages.

Economic damages are the financial costs you have incurred due to the accident, including:

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Lost earning potential
  • Rehabilitation 
  • Property damage
  • Out-of-pocket expenses

Non-economic damages aren’t directly tied to financial costs – they compensate victims for the trauma of the accident and injury.

Common non-economic damages include:

  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Anxiety
  • Depression 
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Physical disfigurement or scarring
  • Loss of consortium

If you were injured in an accident, don’t hesitate to call our legal team today. We’d be happy to sit down and discuss the types of damages you may be entitled to receive.

Can I Recover Damages if I’m Being Blamed for My Uber Accident in Texas?

Texas follows a modified comparative negligence law.

Under Texas law, you could lose your right to compensation once your percentage of fault reaches 51%. If your share of fault is less than 51%, your compensation is reduced by that percentage.

Our attorneys will work hard to protect you from allegations of shared fault so that you can collect full compensation for your claim. 

Our Bedford Uber Accident Attorneys Are Prepared To Fight To Recover Compensation for All of Your Injuries

You shouldn’t have to bear the financial burden if you were injured due to someone else’s negligence.

Our experienced Bedford car accident attorneys often represent accident victims who have suffered:

  • Broken bones
  • Facial injuries and scarring
  • Eye injuries
  • Whiplash 
  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Internal injuries, bleeding, and bruising
  • Nerve damage
  • Soft tissue damage
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Head and neck injuries
  • Concussions
  • Back injuries
  • Burns
  • Amputations
  • Paralysis
  • Catastrophic injuries
  • Wrongful death of a loved one

After a crash, seek medical care as soon as you can. Even if you don’t require emergency care, even a relatively mild injury can have a serious impact on your life.

How Long Do I Have To File a Lawsuit After an Uber Accident in Texas?

The statute of limitations in Texas is two years in most cases. If two years have passed and you haven’t filed a lawsuit, you’ll be barred from seeking compensation. The two-year deadline starts running on the date of the crash.

Don’t miss out on your right to valuable compensation. Contact our experienced attorneys for legal assistance today, as there are exceptions to the statute of limitations in some circumstances.

Call a Bedford Uber Accident Lawyer for a Free Initial Consultation Today

You should expect Uber’s insurance company to fight back when you file a claim for compensation. That shouldn’t stop you from taking legal action. Contact Parker Law Firm Injury Lawyers today at (817)-503-9200. We offer free consultation so you can learn how an experienced Bedford Uber accident lawyer can help you fight for fair compensation.

Our personal injury law firm in Bedford, TX also provides: