Potential clients oftentimes come to our firm confidently stating they have full coverage insurance on their vehicles. Upon further investigation by our team, we find that is not always the case.
When you have full coverage insurance, that means you have: comprehensive collision, UIM, liability, PIP, towing, etc. Oftentimes, insurance companies and agents won’t sell you full coverage because it’s less expensive to just sell you bits and pieces of coverage. Agents will tell you that by waiving important coverage like Personal Injury Protection and Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage, you can save a lot of money. While that might be true on a monthly basis, if you choose to waive this coverage, it can leave you exposed to other problems that may arise down the line. For example, getting in a car wreck.
When someone is involved in a wreck and doesn’t have enough insurance coverage, it can be very confusing and tricky. Commonly, injuries to those who are involved in car crashes are significant, and even more commonly, the driver who caused the crash won’t have insurance. If you previously chose to waive coverage like Personal Injury Protection and Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage, you will be in serious trouble and possibly won’t be fully compensated for your injuries.
That’s why Brad put together this brochure on all things Auto Insurance and all of the secrets insurance companies don’t want you to know. If you want to learn more about the proper auto insurance coverage to carry, click here to download our brochure.
If you have any questions about your auto insurance policy, we would be more than happy to audit your dec page. Send us an email to [email protected] with your dec page attached and we will review this at no cost and let you know, from a trusted lawyer’s perspective, what coverage you may be lacking.