Length of Personal Injury Case: How Long a PI Case Takes in TX

Personal injury cases can be complicated and time-consuming. If you’re wondering how long it will take for your case to reach a resolution in Texas, you are not alone. In this article, we will break down the typical timeline for a personal injury case, covering key stages and factors that can affect the duration of […]

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Which States Require A Front License Plate In The United States?

The invention of license plates quickly followed the invention of the automobile. New York was the first state to require rear license plates, which at the time included the owner’s initials. The goal then, as now, was to identify cars quickly. Since then, every state in the U.S. has adopted a vehicle registration and licensing […]

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What Is the Illegal Use of Laser Pointers in Texas?

Laser pointers are widely used in everyday activities, from business presentations and academic lectures to astronomy and pet entertainment. While these devices are generally harmless when used responsibly, they can pose significant risks when misused. In Texas, certain uses of laser pointers are strictly prohibited under state law, with violations carrying serious legal consequences. Common […]

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What Age Can Kids Walk to School Alone in the United States?

Many parents struggle to decide when it is appropriate and safe for their children to walk to school alone. The answer is never easy. The line dividing independence and safety can be challenging to navigate. The first step for a parent is to understand the law about children walking alone to and from school in […]

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Is It Illegal to Drive with Headphones?

The legality of driving with headphones varies depending on the state. Some states prohibit this practice entirely, while others permit limited use under specific circumstances. However, drivers should always prioritize safety and legal compliance to reduce risks on the road. Here is what you need to know about driving with headphones.  Laws About Driving with […]

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Typical Car Accident Settlements

A car accident can leave you with unexpected expenses, medical bills, and lost wages. If someone else caused the crash, you might be entitled to compensation. But how much can you expect to receive in a settlement?  While every case is different, most settlements fall between $3,000 and $75,000. Crashes that cause severe or catastrophic […]

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How To Get Out of Jury Duty in Texas? 

Jury duty is a vital part of the justice system, but it can sometimes be inconvenient or challenging. If you’ve received a jury summons in Texas and are wondering how to avoid serving, it’s important to understand the valid reasons for being excused. In this guide, we’ll explain the circumstances under which you may be […]

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Common Valentine’s Day Accidents

Valentine’s Day is a sight to behold in many cities, including Fort Worth, where you’ll find hundreds of couples on Magnolia Avenue headed to romantic dinners while the downtown area glows with candlelit restaurant windows. However, this annual celebration of love has the potential to turn catastrophic if you’re not careful. These are tips from […]

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What Are the Top 10 Disabilities in Texas?

If you or a loved one is living with a disability in Bedford, Texas, you may be wondering about the types of disabilities that are most common in the state and how they might affect your rights. Disabilities, whether physical, mental, or developmental, can significantly impact an individual’s daily life, but they also come with […]

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