Thanksgiving Safety Tips

It’s hard to believe, but Thanksgiving is one of the most dangerous holidays of the year. Alcohol fatalities on Texas highways double, and it’s the peak season for home cooking fires. There’s also an increase in food poisoning incidents due to improperly prepared turkey. Add to that the adjustment to the time change, and November can be unsafe. Here are some things to consider before traveling this month.
Adjusting To The November Time Change
When we set the clocks back an hour in November, there is a direct impact on drivers. The commute home from work that was once illuminated by the sun is now a drive in the darkness. Here are a few of the challenges that drivers face during the time change:
Less Visibility
Not only does darkness descend earlier, but the sun’s angle during the late afternoon can cause a significant glare, which makes it challenging for drivers to see clearly.
Increased Wildlife Activity
In most areas in North Texas, the early evening hours bring increased deer and other wildlife activity. Dawn and dusk are when deer especially are most active. November is also the peak of deer breeding season, which can cause deer to run into the roadways.
Pedestrians and Bicyclists
Unless they are wearing reflective clothing, reduced daylight makes it much more difficult to see bicyclists and pedestrians. Drivers must use extra caution in areas with high foot or bicycle traffic.
Disrupted Sleep
The time change can do some funny things to our internal clocks, which can lead to fatigue and decreased alertness on the road.
Buzzed Driving Is Drunk Driving
The NHTSA also reports that during the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, from 2017-2022, more than 830 people died in crashes involving a drunk driver. Brad says, “Thanksgiving is typically a time when people begin to gather with family and friends. It’s imperative to plan ahead if drinking is going to be part of the festivities.” From 2017-2022, 137 drivers involved in fatal crashes on Thanksgiving Eve were drunk. “It’s important to understand even a small amount of alcohol can affect someone’s judgment,” Brad says.
Avoiding Burns And Food Poisoning
In the South, many people choose to fry their turkeys for Thanksgiving. Here are a few safety precautions you should follow to ensure your and your family’s safety:
- Choose an appropriate location.
- Keep children, pets, and guests away from the fryer.
- Use the right equipment.
- Don’t overheat your oil.
- Use the correct amount of oil.
- Only fry a completely thawed turkey.
- Don’t ever leave the fryer unattended.
- Lower and raise the turkey slowly.
Even the most experienced cooks may make mistakes in preparing and storing a big meal for family. Many foodborne illnesses are spread by mishandled food. The four key areas regarding safe turkey preparation include thawing, preparing, stuffing, and cooking to an adequate temperature. According to the National Capital Poison Center, a whole cooked turkey should reach an internal temperature of 165 degrees in the breast and 175 degrees in the thigh. As soon as a frozen turkey begins to thaw, bacteria that may have been there before freezing can start to grow again.
Contact the Fort Worth Personal Injury Lawyers at Parker Law Firm Injury Lawyers for Help Today
For more information or if you’ve been injured, please contact an experienced personal injury lawyer at Parker Law Firm Injury Lawyers to schedule a free initial consultation today. We have convenient locations in Bedford and Fort Worth, Texas.
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2317 Plaza Pkwy #100,
Bedford, TX 76021
(817) 503-9200
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Fort Worth, TX 76102
(817) 839-3143